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Flushable Potty Liners

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Flushable Potty Liners

I have no trouble admitting that the thought of potty training scares me.  When Nick was really young and had messy blowouts I couldn’t wait for him to be trained.  When I would look at my grocery bill and see how much of my budget went to diapers I couldn’t wait for Nick to be trained.  Now that the day is drawing near…I want nothing to do with it!  I keep hearing stories and it just sounds like the biggest and messiest pain ever!  Nick only weighs 23 pounds.  I can just keep lifting him onto his changing table for awhile still right?  *sigh*

At this point we don’t know when we’ll start potty training.  Nick really isn’t showing signs that he’s ready, and the one thing I’ve heard over and over is that things usually don’t go well if you start them before they’re ready.  So for now we’re biding our time and just dealing with Nick’s terrible teething pain.  Only one big pain at a time right?  The one thing I do know is that when the time does come I won’t have to deal with the mess that comes with cleaning the training toilet because I was given Flushable Potty Liners to use!

Liner on Toilet Bowl

What They Are

Flushable Potty Liners from Toddle Green are a parents answer to one of the messiest parts of toilet training.  The product name really says it all.  They are biodegradable plastic liners that collect the potty mess so you don’t have to clean the training toilet after every use.

How They Work

You take the plastic liner and wrap it around the bowl of the training toilet.  The liner should fit all training toilets.  After your child goes to the bathroom you scoop up the bag, put it in the big toilet, and flush it away.  It’s as easy as that!  It is important that you do not tie the bag closed before flushing it.  The plastic bag starts to break down as soon as it gets wet, so you want to flush it right away.  If it starts to break down before you can flush it than make sure to wipe the bowl clean with a disinfecting wipe.  You should also do this if there if you see any remaining moisture in the training toilet.

Disclaimer: I received a free product to facilitate this review.  All opinions are my own.


Wednesday 19th of March 2014

These sound like they would be a great thing. My daughter is starting to potty train my grand son and she has a very week stomach so I think these may be a big help to her. Thank you for posting them.


Friday 21st of March 2014

You're very welcome Vickie! I hope they help your daughter out. Cleaning the training toilet out is an icky job. Having disinfecting wipes helps make the job easier, but being able to just grab the bag and flush it away is so much better.


Thursday 6th of March 2014

These are great! I had never heard of them...thanks for sharing!

Lacey Burd

Wednesday 19th of June 2013

I literally just started potty training my 2 year old. She gets rewarded every time she makes it & I only use regular underwear (no pull ups). I honestly do not see the difference between pull ups and diapers. When they have an accident wearing undies it runs down their legs (and yes, makes a mess) and they don't like it; encouraging them to use the toilet. Pull Ups absorb just like a diaper.


Wednesday 19th of June 2013

Put them on the potty every hour!


Wednesday 19th of June 2013

use cheerios for boys